Illustration donated by Maryia Aiankevich

Bartlett Tree Experts has planted a tree in honor of Everyone

Fill the world with hope and love.

Bartlett Tree Experts
Illustration donated by Maryia Aiankevich

Fun Tree Facts

  • A single tree can produce 2,700 copies of an average daily newspaper
    American Forest & Paper Association
  • Over the course of its life, a single tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide.
    Save a Tree
  • A Sugar Maple tree can produce approximately 3 gallons of sap a day. To make just one quart of maple syrup, it takes 11-13 gallons of sap.

Why Paper Culture Plants Trees

  • We’re a paper company: moreso than most, trees are truly our business
  • We ALWAYS use 100% post-consumer recycled paper and/or alternative renewable fibers like cotton or bamboo which means our cards do not result in the cutting down of any new trees, however, that simply means that we do no harm to trees. We wanted to take it one step further by actively contributing to reforestation by planting trees.
  • Honestly, as founders, we knew we wanted to do something on a consistent basis and it was as simple as, we all just love trees!
  • Trees do amazing things - check out our list of tree facts